Thursday, May 10, 2012

Let freedom ka-ching.

Putting the fun in fundraising.
As I rifled through my drawers seeking suitably lacy lingerie, I called out encouragement to the adorable little mice performing last minute alterations on the designer dress, the one that appeared at my door after I won the online raffle to be one of the two chosen peons to attend tonight's $40,000-a-plate Obama fundraiser hosted by George Clooney.  "I won't have time to post on the blog this morning," I thought.

And then I woke up. 

Noreene Malone reports that the Obama campaign collected $1 million in the first 90 minutes after he announced his support for gay marriage. Malone also expects the move to fire up Obama bundlers; she says "as many as 1/6th" of them are gay.  And now Obama heads to Hollywood tonight for the Mooney for Clooney event, which has already netted around $15 million.  Mitt hasn't made a haul like that, but then he doesn't really need Clooney's puppy brown eyes; he's got Rottweiler attack dogs like Karl Rove's Crossroads.  Altogether, the campaigns will spend over a billion dollars, and I think it's safe to say--especially since I am not heading to Hollywood tonight!--that none of us ordinary folk will be the big winners in all this.

Here's the link to Malone's post:  And here's a link to the writeup in the Times:

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