Thursday, April 19, 2012

New bromance brewing: Rogen as Friedman, Apatow as Bloomberg

While the blogosphere has been contemptuous of Thomas Friedman's newest love letter to Michael Bloomberg, in which the New York Times columnist once again begs Bloomberg for the sake of his country to run for president so he can save us all (Dave Weigel here and Jason Linkins here, at least one person has been inspired.  One Hollywood insider says Judd Apatow is already in talks to cast a new bromance based on the Friedman/Bloomberg crush.  In fact, Seth Rogen may have already signed on to play Friedman, while Apatow, who began his career as a standup comic, is considering taking on the mayor's role himself, since reportedly he's always "wanted to know what it's like to be worshipped like that."

"Of course, practically, politcally and realistically, Friedman's crush is ludicrous," the insider says.  "But as so many people have already pointed out, it's comedic gold.  And you know, it's got real heart, too.  Judd's already got the last scene written--Seth holding up a boom box outside the mayor's office, begging him to love the country the way Seth loves him.  It's real powerful stuff."

Here's the column that inspired it all 

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