Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jon Corzine pretty sure he left that missing $6.9 billion in customer funds wherever he put his car keys...

...And apparently investigators are nodding their heads in sympathy, saying Yeah, we really hate when that happens.  It's so annoying to lose your car keys.  And $6.9 billion. 

New York Times columnist Joe Nocera, who covered the business beat before he got his column, thinks that Corzine and the rest of the crew at MF Global may be about to walk, and I don't mean the plank, despite the fact that $6.9 billion in customer funds was improperly mingled with the firm's funds as it was collapsing, and now is gone.  Incredibly, since investigator haven't been able to find a "smoking gun," says Nocero:

"Apparently, the current theory is that it was all just a big accident, the chaos of those final days causing the firm's executives to tap into customer funds without realizing it."

Here's the link to Nocero's column http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/13/opinion/nocera-is-mf-global-getting-a-free-pass.html?hp

Investigators in the MF Global case are also looking
for their missing asses, but haven't found them, either.
"We're using both hands, but no luck so far," a
spokesman has said.  "I bet when we find Jon's car keys
our asses will be there with the missing $6.9 billion. 
Hey, case solved!  They don't call us crack investigators for nothing!"

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