Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Delaney, left, is a sensational 56 today. Joanna Cassidy
looks pretty sensational, too, at 67.  She couldn't play the older sister?   
Lansbury:  Manchurian MILF
with an Oedipal twist.
Dana Delaney is 56 today and looking drop-dead gorgeous as a crime-solving coronor on ABC's Body of Proof, which features Joanna Cassidy, who is all of 67, playing her mother.  You might think, given only 11 years age difference, the producers might have allowed Cassidy to play Delaney's older sister.  A few years back in the lamentable Laws of Attraction, Frances Fisher, then 56, played the mother of Julianne Moore, who was 46.  But those numbers aren't so shocking when you consider that the infamous "older woman," Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft) was only 36, Dustin Hoffman was 30, and Katherine Ross 27 when they made The Graduate, and Angela Lansbury was all of 37 when she played the mother of Laurence Harvey, then 34, in The Manchurian Candidate.  In any case, felicitations, Ms. Delaney!  Let's all watch her show tonight; supposedly, it's "on the bubble" and if it's canceled, she'll be cast next year as Julia Roberts' grandma.  So let's stave off the GILFs, at least for a while.
Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson, only 6 years
older than the 30-year-old "boy" you're seducing.

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