Like rain on your wedding day. Like a free ride when you've already paid. Or like the executive architect of the $120 million Martin Luther King memorial who claims his work of art is being "defaced." Out of all of MLK's writings and speeches, the monument's creators ripped a few words from their original context in a speech and cobbled them together in a way which makes King seem, as Maya Angelou (fairly) noted, like an "arrogant twit" and which also manages to subvert the entire meaning of the speech. Now, after complaints, the phony non-quote is being cut out of monument and replaced with a piece of granite carved with a longer piece of the speech, and because the granite won't match in color as it ages, architect is outraged.
To recap, monument defaces King's words and when said defacement is corrected, monument architect cries defacement of granite.
Listen, honey, not unlike what the great man said,
it's not the color of the granite, it's the content of its character. But then, I suspect this whole thing is more about losing face than defacement.
Here's the link:
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