This week in advertising news:
* At the network "upfronts," it was obvious that Dish TV's new ad eraser was giving network execs heartburn and longing for the days of Speedy Alkaseltzer.
* GM changed its relationship status with Facebook, becoming a non-advertiser. Though the $10 million it pulled is a drop in the bucket all the way around, from what it spends to what Facebook earns, there are lots of people who think Facebook may have a tough time keeping shareholders happy (to justify the IPO price, the company will have to squeeze a lot more revenue from customers and that inevitably means more ads) while keeping the user experience the same.
* In the meantime, Twitter, like Google, is tracking users across the web to bundle the informations for advertisers who can add to the ways they can reach you beyond paid ads, paid bloggers and paid tweeters. It's the brave new world of surround sell--like surround sound only just a touch more insidious!
And in related news, Don Draper has finally been located after being missing for more than a decade. After checking out of rehab post-divorce (his fifth), Draper, now paunchy and bald, moved to Nevada to set up a refuge for old advertising icons where the group now enjoys a relatively serene life off the grid. It's true that Don occasionally slips up, taunting the Pillsbury Doughboy about his weight or demanding that Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima cook his meals, and he did take Speedy Alkaseltzer to Nevada's famed Chicken Ranch, where Speedy lost his virginity (in 1.25 seconds), but all of Peggy Olsen's entreaties to "get the old gang together" for an appearance on her blog "Flacking to the Oldies" have so far had no effect.
"The magic is gone," Don says. "Also so is my hair."
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