Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chewbacca relieved to hear affordable housing on the way.

Chewbacca has grown increasingly desperate in his business schemes,
at one point unsuccessfully entreating Cookie Monster
to join him in a cable porn show, "Wookie Wants a Cookie." 
The last two decades have been rough going for Chewbaccca as his unsuccessful dabbling in business--franchise hair salons, for example--ate away at his Star Wars earnings.  True, some have fared worse:  R2D2 who became a slot machine and ended face-up in a dumpster for shorting a Vegas loanshark.  On the other hand, other alumni have moved on to successful careers:  C-3PO as a personal assistant to liberal Hollywood moguls who enjoyed that the robot's extreme deference came without racial guilt.  

And then of course, there's Darth Vader who went on to high level participation in politics.

For Chewbacca, it's been less glamour and more grind, making personal appearances at low pay.  "We don't have regular conventions like the Trekkies," he said recently, with some bitterness.  "And I'm a nobody at ComicCon with all those stupid superheroes.  And we're the ones with the real myth."  He generally averages about $75,000 annually from his appearances--a figure that will qualify him for the low-income housing George Lucas is now building on his Marin County property.

The real story:  A long time ago--that would be back in 1978 when he was flush with Star Wars cash--in a galaxy far, far away--that would be Marin, CA, one of America's richest counties--George Lucus built a ranch where he made movies and special effects for the movies.  That operation got bigger and then bigger until Marin neighbors complained.  So now Lucas strikes back with a plan to instead use the land to build affordable housing for low-income families.  However, "low-income" is a relative state--er, county--as the New York Times article points out:

In a telling fact, a family of four with an annual income of $88,800 can qualify for housing assistance in Marin, which has about 6,500 income-restricted housing units, according to the county.

Here's the link:  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/22/us/george-lucas-retreats-from-battle-with-neighbors.html?src=me&ref=general

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