Friday, May 18, 2012

Exorbitant the Greek.

Zorba:  "You think too much.  That's your trouble.  Clever people and grocers--they weigh everything."
"Greeks shrug off dire warnings," sez the headline in the NYTimes, in an article about Communist supporters who believe they can stay in the Euro but with reduced debt.  An excerpt: 

The May 6 election results were “national suicide,” said Theodoros Pangalos, a Socialist Party veteran and former deputy prime minister. He said that Greece had revealed its tendency for self-harm in 1922, in bloody conflicts as the Ottoman Empire collapsed and again in a civil war after World War II.  

“This is a country where Eros is very powerful and Thanatos is very tempting,” Mr. Pangalos added, referring to the ancient Greek concepts of love and death, the life instinct and the self-destructive one.

Here's the link:

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