Monday, February 6, 2012

He's b-a-a-a-c-k.

Charles Murray, the social scientist who brought us "The Bell Curve," is back to insult white people this time, in "Coming Apart:  The State of White America 1960-2010."   From Jennifer Schuessler's review:

Looking at America Mr. Murray sees a country increasingly polarized into two culturally and geographically isolated demographics.  In Belmont, the fictional name Mr. Murray gives to the part of American where the top 20 percent live, divorce is low, the work ethic is strong, religious observance is high, and out-of-wedlock births are all but unheard of.  Meanwhile in Fishtown, where the bottom 30 percent live, what Mr. Murray calls America's four "founding virtues"--marriage, industriousness, community and faith--have all but collapsed. "

Fishtown.  How wonderfully lugubrious.  I want to live in Fishtown.  I want to own and operate a whorehouse in Fishtown.  Hey, fellas, come on up and see me sometime.  In Fishtown, USA.

Thanks, Charlie, you've made my day.

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