Saturday, June 9, 2012

Blowin' in the wind.

This is a whistle.  The Obama administration despises anybody who blows one.  The Obama Justice Department has prosecuted more whistleblowers and leakers than all the other administrations combined.  So zealous are they that in the Thomas Drake case (Drake leaked documents on the NSA's privacy-destroying boondoggle Trailblazer project), even the Republican-appointed judge called the prosecution efforts "vindictive and malicious."
This is a horn.  Someone was undoubtedly trying to blow Obama's when he or she or they cozied up to the New York Times reporters Jo Becker and Scott Shane, and spilled all the inner workings of the Obama War Against Terror, so that the article read suspiciously like one of those early "Bush at War" heroic tomes that were Bob Woodward's specialty.  It's hard to believe that an insider didn't help in framing choice lines like this: 

David Axelrod, the president’s closest political adviser, began showing up at the “Terror Tuesday” meetings, his unspeaking presence a visible reminder of what everyone understood: a successful attack would overwhelm the president’s other aspirations and achievements.

This is a Republican lynch mob.  Furious that Obama may gain political traction with the vaunted independents with the story of his "toughness" on terror, they want to know who spilled the beans to Becker and Shane.  Holder is now forced to investigate.  Of course, I'm sure we'll come to find out that the leaker didn't want to leak--just as Obama didn't want expand Bush's War on Terror--but well, you know how it is:  a successful terrorist attack Republican attack on Obama's record on terror would overwhelm the president's other aspirations and achievements.....

This is William Shakespeare, the man who gave us "hoisted by his own petard." 

And just for your elucidation, here is an illustration of a petard from Wikipedia.

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