Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bair-baiting the banksters.

Sheila Bair, the no-nonsense former FDIC Chairman who thought banks could go broke the old-fashioned way and who, because of this outrageously sensible belief, was one of Timothy Geithner's "least-favorite people in government," presents a modest proposal in today's Washington Post:  that American families each be given a $10 million loan on the same terms the banks are enjoying from the Fed--banks that are not subsequently relending the money but are instead investing in high-yield securities and reaping enormous profits at the taxpayer's expense.  Sound familiar?  Soak, rinse, repeat:  No wonder a woman's work is never done.  And with that little transition, let me point out that as the ginned-up "war on women" and "war against stay-at-home moms" continue to rage, here's one female who knows where the real fighting ought to be. 

Get this woman an army, I say.

Here's the link to Bair's WaPo op-ed:
The photo is from a very interesting interview she did with Joe Nocera in the New York Times back in the fall.  Here's the link: 

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